By choosing the option of Profile Data Deletion, you will delete your profile picture, username and email from our databases. This action will not delete any transaction data or trust interactions. Such data is stored on Gnosis blockchain and cannot be deleted by anyone. However, your blockchain transactions will no longer be traceable or linked to your username or avatar.
Upon deletion you can choose to "End Session" in settings. You may still recover your account in the future by using your magic words and edit your profile with a new profile data. If you do not log in within 90 days, your UBI will stopped being issued forever. More about this in here.
It is also possible to continue to use without an alias, avatar or email. This means, you will not loose your CRCs, and you can still do transactions with them.
It is important for you to know that it is possible to edit the profile information of a wallet again using the edit profile feature. This means that you can change your name and profile picture again. You can even assign an email address to your wallet once again, in order to receive our newsletters.
Please note that data deletion will not happen across wallets. You will have to do profile data deletion for your personal wallet and any shared wallet separately before ending session.

for Circle How to get it! Make your wallet!

for Circle How to get it! Wallet


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Tax Assessments Design Guidelines